Argonaut Virtual Marathon

Participate in our Virtual Marathon Challenge throughout April 2025.

Registration is open!



  • Registration is free but does not include a t-shirt this year.

  • Participants may purchase a marathon package for $40 per participant that includes a t-shirt and helps cover program costs.

  • DEADLINE EXTENDED! Last day to register with shirt size of choice: Saturday, March 22, 2024

  • Registration closes: Monday, March 31, 2025

  • Fill out this form to register: 

Race Day Packet Pickup: 

  • Packet pickup will be done at the school.  

Race Rules and Regulations: 

  • Each participant will complete the 26.2-mile marathon at your own pace, anywhere you choose between April 1-April 30. While the goal is to accomplish 26.2-miles, we encourage you to go beyond the marathon distance!
  • Track progress with the Marathon Running Challenge sheet.
  • Each week, there will be a special challenge where student participants can earn chances to enter into a raffle for prizes! To earn tickets, email photos of your student completing the challenge each week to
  • Get rewarded for your distance achieved! Many more prizes at the end of the month for those who achieve the most miles as individuals, as a family, and as a classroom.

Let's get moving Argo!

Calling all Argonaut families, staff, and students!

Join the Argonaut Marathon, a month-long community event in April! Walk, run, or hike throughout the month to reach a cumulative goal of 26.2 miles (13.1 miles for kindergarteners), or beyond.

Why participate?

  • Earn prizes for reaching mileage milestones and completing weekly challenges.
  • Celebrate your achievements at the on-campus marathon event.
  • Receive a limited-edition Argonaut Marathon t-shirt (while supplies last).

All proceeds from the marathon directly benefit Argonaut students through PTA funding.

Looking for more ways to get involved?

  • Businesses can donate in exchange for promotional packages. Visit our Marathon Business Sponsor page for details.
  • Donate as a family during registration to see your family name on the marathon t-shirts!
  • Businesses can sponsor in exchange for promotional packages. Visit to find out more and donate.

Have questions or know a business that wants to support our students? Contact us at

Let's get moving Argo Bears!