Welcome to the Argonaut Garden! 

We welcome students weekly to delve into the wonders of growth and cultivation. Stepping away from today's technology, we offer kids a chance to reconnect with nature and explore the timeless art of nurturing plants. Image result for sunflower emoji


Are you (or a family member) free from 12:15pm-1:25pm, one day a week, or a month?  The Argo Garden needs you!  You do not need to know ANYTHING about gardening.  We are asking someone in our Argo community to step up next year to help the kids explore the garden.  This can be any family member that has been cleared by the district (grandparents welcome).  The current garden docent will walk you through the garden volunteer steps.  The Argo Garden is a creative and forgiving place.  The minimum work is 1 hour a week, it can be anything you want beyond that!  The kids enjoy watering, raking, planting, and tending the fairy garden.  Please consider supporting our students and their creative outlet in the garden.  Volunteer or questions, please email admin-garden@argonautpta.org.
  • One hour a week, 12:15pm-1:25pm (weather depending). The day can be discussed with the garden support teacher.
  • Meet and communicate with the garden support teacher.
  • Assist the teacher and kids in watering, weeding, raking, planting.
  • Open and close the garden after the lunch time gardening.  
  • Gather supplies on occasion, plants and soil, per the garden budget.



School Year 2024-25

The Argonaut Garden welcomes students every FRIDAY during lunchtime. Students engage in various activities such as planting seeds, watering, raking leaves, and exploring our two Dig Zones to find worms. They also spend time observing plants, insects and have even experimented with making fresh lemonade! Last year we harvested lettuce, carrots, radishes, strawberries and peas.  We are excited to see what this year will bring!



We are looking for volunteers and donated garden equipment!

 Sign up HERE!

(Grandparents and extended family WELCOME!)


Do you have ideas on how to make the most of the Argo Garden, please reach out! 

If you have any questions, please contact garden@argonautpta.org.