Executive Board Job Descriptions
Each executive board position receives one vote during motions made during meetings.
Argonaut PTA's Bylaws serve as the PTA's operating manual.
President (5-10 hours/wk)
- Oversees and coordinates the work of an executive board to run a PTA effectively
- Presides at PTA board and association meetings
- Serves as the official contact, communicator, and representative of a PTA
- Designated as an authorized signer for PTA checks, contracts, and authorizations for payment
- Serves as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee
- Works with other PTA leaders to connect families, school, and community to support student success
Executive Vice President (5 hours/month)
- Works as the primary aide to the president
- Helps lead a PTA towards specific goals consistent with PTA purposes and policies
- Performs the president’s duties in his or her absence
- Carries out other duties outlined in unit bylaws and standing rules or as assigned
Secretary (5 hours/month)
- Takes minutes at board and association meetings
- Co-signs formal papers with the president: authorizations for payment, resolutions, and formal letters
- Handles PTA correspondence as directed by the president
- Maintains and preserves PTA records and important documents to pass on at the end of the term
Treasurer (3 hours/week)
- Maintains permanent records to track unit funds and financial transactions
- Chairs budget committee and prepares annual budget for adoption by the association
- Pays all PTA bills as authorized by the board or association
- Prepares reports for every board and association meeting and an annual financial report
- Ensures taxes and reports required by PTA bylaws, insurance, or federal and state governments are completed and submitted by the due date
Financial Secretary (1 hour/week)
- Record and track donations, basic banking, and provide monthly financial reports
- Captures, assembles, and preserves records of activities and achievements of a PTA
- Collects volunteer hours for PTA meetings and events
- Completes and submits the PTA Unit-Annual Historian Report to the council/district PTA
- Fills out Historian Summary Report and files copies as Historian records, like minutes are kept forever
- Copies for minutes, procedure book, and, if applicable, the president’s memory book
- Displays or presents a brief overview of the PTA year at a meeting near the end of the school year
- Assists the president in managing meetings and advises on parliamentary procedure
- Chairs bylaws committee to review unit bylaws each year and revise bylaws every three years
- Arrange nominating committee’s first meeting, providing information on the nomination and election process
VP of Membership (15 hours in Aug/Sep, 0.5 hours/week rest of year)
- Works with the membership committee to plan the annual membership campaign.
- Responsible for creating and implementing a membership plan, promoting membership, and managing email accounts throughout the year at PTA-sponsored events and especially at the start of the school year (schedule pickup, President’s welcome coffee, new parent panel discussion, BTSN)
- Provide membership reports at PTA board and association meetings, and collect dues
- Verify membership information on Toolkit against district database and directory access permissions
VP of Communications (1 hour/week)
- Works with various PTA team members and develops a communication plan for the multiple programs and events, including Calendar of Events, Newsletter, and Parent Square communication.
- Works with Programs and Events to update their news
- Publishes weekly eNews (to school) and informs the PTA website admin
- Organizes updates to the PTA website
- Provides weekly updates to the front office for publishing and to official stakeholders
- Comms team to cover website blog and social media.
VP of Events (1-5 hours/week)
- Works with committee and other chairmen to plan and organize events for the school year
- Develops annual event calendar and presents it at PTA association meeting for adoption
- Manage third-party vendors/providers for the relevant events
- Oversees and delegates volunteer recruitment for implementing and running programs
VP of Programs (1 hour/week)
- Works with committee and other chairmen to plan and organize programs for the school year
- Collaborates with principal, PTA president, other committee chairmen, and campus student groups to coordinate, plan, and implement programs
- Develops annual program calendar and presents it at PTA association meeting for adoption
- Publicizes approved program calendar using newsletters, website, social networks, and school handbook
- Oversees and delegates volunteer recruitment for implementing and running programs
Non-board Positions
Auditor (5-20 hours/year)
- Audits the books and financial records of a PTA to determine their accuracy twice a year
- Presents written reports on audits to the board and the association for adoption
- Forwards copies of adopted audits to council/district PTA as indicated in unit bylaws
- Perform monthly audits to meet Insurance requirements
SEF Representative (1 hour/week)
- Works with Saratoga Education Foundation (SEF) as the representative from Argonaut
- Participates in SEF and PTA Exec monthly board meetings
- Provides monthly updates to SEF news section on PTA newsletter as provided by SEF VP Comms
- Helps with SEF promotions at school site and on social media parent-school groups
If you have questions or would like to get involved, contact info@argonautpta.org
Quick Links
- Thursday, March 27
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4